Władysław Chałupka
What was pre-II world gamekeeper supposed to know?
One of the first Polish handbooks for gamekeepers (Przewodnik gajowego) was published in 1937. The book comprised seven hundred pages and was a compilation of forest knowledge necessary for foresters of the lowest administrative level. The handbook was published by Corps Area Headquarter in Grodno. It contained basic information about geography and natural resources of all regions of pre-war
Poland. Th e main section of the book, entitled Forestry, presented detailed knowledge of sylviculture, forest management and protection, hunting, fi shing, farming, and administrative issues. A signifi cant part of the handbook was devoted to a military importance of forests in the case of defense war. Hundreds of demonstrative photographs and drawings have completed this very instructive book.
Key words: history of forestry, forestry handbooks, forestry education
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